
This Allure collection of refined gobelin woven rugs combines a multitude of soft chenille wefts into a broad range of elegant designs.

Refined color shades in gradient designs, contemporary checkerboards and traditional medallion or kilim designs, this Allure rug will turn every interior into a fairy tale.

Bespoke finishing with the shepherd’s stitch to give each rug an extra touch of artisan look.

Allure C3011/350

Allure C3011/350

Allure C3011/905

Allure C3011/905

Allure C3013/350

Allure C3013/350

Allure C3013/490

Allure C3013/490

Allure C3017/020

Allure C3017/020

Allure C3017/050

Allure C3017/050

Allure C3017/950

Allure C3017/950

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