NRG Steel Trail

Just as the name suggests, NRG is a genuine energy center, a place where play both generates and consumes energy. Here, you can discover products designed for various forms of balance training, including both rope-based and stable surface options.

NRG is focused on enhancing a child's physical abilities, while also fostering social interaction and skill development. This playground equipment features a modular design that enables you to create configurations customised to your available space and budget.

You have the flexibility to customise your own NRG combination or select from our extensive range of standard solutions.

NRG Steel Trail
NRG 8079867 (Amazon Basin)

NRG 8079867 (Amazon Basin)

NRG 8079907 (Andes)

NRG 8079907 (Andes)

NRG 8079882 (Angel Cascade)

NRG 8079882 (Angel Cascade)

NRG 8079854 (Atlas)

NRG 8079854 (Atlas)

NRG 8079905 (Bermuda Triangle)

NRG 8079905 (Bermuda Triangle)

NRG 8079913 (Cairngorms)

NRG 8079913 (Cairngorms)

NRG 8079869 (Cape Horn)

NRG 8079869 (Cape Horn)

NRG 8079848 (Cathedral Peak)

NRG 8079848 (Cathedral Peak)

NRG 8079884 (Cheddar Gorge)

NRG 8079884 (Cheddar Gorge)

NRG 8079903 (Double Klondike)

NRG 8079903 (Double Klondike)

NRG 8105777 (Durdle Door)

NRG 8105777 (Durdle Door)

NRG 8079852 (El Capitan)

NRG 8079852 (El Capitan)

NRG 8079917 (Everest)

NRG 8079917 (Everest)

NRG 8079886 (Everglades)

NRG 8079886 (Everglades)

NRG 8079919 (Fuji)

NRG 8079919 (Fuji)

NRG 8079856 (Funnel Web)

NRG 8079856 (Funnel Web)

NRG 8074943 (Galdhopiggen)

NRG 8074943 (Galdhopiggen)

NRG 8079888 (Gaping Ghyll)

NRG 8079888 (Gaping Ghyll)

NRG 8079889 (Giant Causeway)

NRG 8079889 (Giant Causeway)

NRG 8079873 (Grand Canyon)

NRG 8079873 (Grand Canyon)

NRG 8079850 (Half Dome)

NRG 8079850 (Half Dome)

NRG 8079875 (Hogs Back)

NRG 8079875 (Hogs Back)

NRG 8079891 (Jacobs Ladder)

NRG 8079891 (Jacobs Ladder)

NRG 8079877 (Kakum Canopy Walk)

NRG 8079877 (Kakum Canopy Walk)

NRG 8074961 (Kebnekaise)

NRG 8074961 (Kebnekaise)

NRG 8079906 (Klondike)

NRG 8079906 (Klondike)

NRG 8079898 (Magellan Straits)

NRG 8079898 (Magellan Straits)

NRG 8105773 (Malham Cove)

NRG 8105773 (Malham Cove)

NRG 8079910 (Massif Central)

NRG 8079910 (Massif Central)

NRG 8079921(Matterhorn)

NRG 8079921(Matterhorn)

NRG 8079911 (Mont Blanc)

NRG 8079911 (Mont Blanc)

NRG 8079895 (Niagara Falls)

NRG 8079895 (Niagara Falls)

NRG 8079846 (North Peak)

NRG 8079846 (North Peak)

NRG 8079893 (Offas Dyke)

NRG 8079893 (Offas Dyke)

NRG 8079871 (Okavango Swamp)

NRG 8079871 (Okavango Swamp)

NRG 8079902 (Pillars Of Hercules)

NRG 8079902 (Pillars Of Hercules)

NRG 8079878 (Ross Ice Shelf)

NRG 8079878 (Ross Ice Shelf)

NRG 8079880 (Sierra Diablo)

NRG 8079880 (Sierra Diablo)

NRG 8079915 (Snowdonia)

NRG 8079915 (Snowdonia)

NRG 8079897 (Tierra Del Fuego)

NRG 8079897 (Tierra Del Fuego)

NRG 8079863 (Twisted Ladder)

NRG 8079863 (Twisted Ladder)

NRG 8079865 (Uluru)

NRG 8079865 (Uluru)

NRG 8079900 (Yukon Log Roll)

NRG 8079900 (Yukon Log Roll)

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