Hard-foam PVC Skirtings

Our Hard-foam skirting boards are resistant to moisture and have two flexible sealing lips ensuring seamless sealing in the wall and floor area and thus minimising impact sound. The range includes tried-and-tested object colours and selected decorative colours in 3‐D and metal looks.

10560 pvc Skirting 8824<br>(Oak)

10560 pvc Skirting 8824

10560 pvc Skirting 8849<br>(Oak Grey)

10560 pvc Skirting 8849
(Oak Grey)

10560 pvc Skirting 5289<br>(D.Brown)

10560 pvc Skirting 5289

10560 pvc Skirting 8867<br>(Stainless)

10560 pvc Skirting 8867

10560 pvc Skirting 1168<br>(White)

10560 pvc Skirting 1168

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